
Monday, December 20, 2010

Harses, Harses, harses*

I made these for some of my self-adopted nieblings**.  The block(s - there are two of them) are for the little boy who has only recently discovered his hands. He can chew on them or practice stacking them. Probably in that order.

The horse is for the little girl who is OBSESSED with the local mounted police force (aka horsey-cops). There are three horses, and her favorite is Monty. Monty is all white. So when I decided to make My Favorite Toddler Who is Now A Big Girl a stuffed animal and she said she wanted a horse, I knew that it should be white. 
When she opened the present, she was SO! EXCITED! And immediately named the stuffed horse Monty.  
Her Mommy asked to look at the horse after she got out the first bit of her energy and took Monty for a gallop around the room.  While Mommy was looking at the new Monty, the Big Girl spinned around and then fell on the floor saying, “I CAN’T A-BLEVE IT!”
I love her.

*Once I was visiting the Field Museum in Chicago when I heard a little boy who was very excited about seeing the seahorses at the nearby acquarium. He was galloping alon saying "Harses, harses, harses!" Hence the title.
**Nieblings is the word my sister and her husband came up with to categorize all children of one's siblings without having to say "nieces and nephews." I like the word. I sounds appropriately funny and is quite efficient.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hexagon Break

I have been taking a break from hexagons to make gifts for Christmas!
No pictures, because, well, I haven't taken any.

But if I had I probably shouldn't post them just in case someone they were meant for saw them early.  I am a big fan of being surprised when I open presents.  And so I try to give that surprise to others too.

See, when I was 6, my daddy got me a tiny little Swiss Army knife.  One day when I was alone with the Christmas tree and the presents, I saw that the tape had popped up from one side of the box, so I opened it up and saw what it was. Then I closed it back up and had to pretend that I was surprised on Christmas morning. I didn't want to get in trouble for opening it early. I didn't like the feeling, so I never wholeheartedly looked for presents before they were wrapped or shook the wrapped ones to figure out what they were.

I like surprises. And I hope that the ones I give to others are pleasant ones.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mug Rug

I made a mug rug!
It was for a Crafty Secret Santa. It was my first one.
I forgot to take a picture of it before I sent it, but the recipient took one when she got it!
Ta da!
It took a LOT longer than I expected, but it was excellent practice for my final quilt!

I love the internet.

I got a package in the mail on Monday - a brown paper package, actually.  It was from my internet-friend, and one of my hexagon quilt inspirations, Stephanie.

fabulous box
It looked like this.  This box is, in and of itself, quite fabulous.  I love a good container. So as soon as I got the brown paper off of it, I was already excited. Actually, as soon as I saw it was from Steph I was excited, because I knew the contents would be new! and different! and exciting! fabrics! Steph and I did a fabric-swap. And I love new fabric!

But then...Then I opened the fabulous box, and the contents blew me away!  Not only were there more than 40 new fabrics for me to hexagon (yes, I just used hexagon as a verb. deal with it.), there was a lovely postcard with a doodle on it and a HANDMADE PINCUSHION! See?!

It's great, right?
I can hardly believe that I just sent a stack of fabrics in a manila envelope!

Thank you, Steph! You're the best!